Friday, January 29, 2010

and again....

If I continue doing these posts before noon, I will be giving thanks for coffee every single day. However, I really do wonder how I would function without caffeine. Not very well, is my guess.

That being said, today I am feeling very grateful for the following:

- excellent musician friends who will play and create music with me.
- a very thoughtful and considerate boyfriend, who is meeting me for lunch today!
- the really special and supportive friendships I have in my life.

Looking forward to a very musical weekend!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Grateful for...

- Ozzie's coffee shop in at 5th and Garfield. I really developed a relationship with this place over the last few months :)
- my super-warm water resistant winter jacket
- band rehearsal tonight!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Missed a day!

Here are 6 things I am thankful for today, to make up for it:
- coffee
- my aunt and uncle
- my super cozy bed
- resilience
- alone time

Monday, January 25, 2010

Thoughts on having a day job..

I'm going to try my hardest to appreciate this job for what it is, see the good in it, and not fall into the trap of hating it for being a day job that takes my time and attention away from other things.

It is so important to have a sense of purpose and structure every day, not to mention to have financial income. This job will provide all those things, and for that, among other things I want to try to appreciate it. Especially during this hard time in our economy, I am grateful to have been hired!

Here's to new things!

Thankful for....

my new job (having a new job starting tomorrow), my parent's support, all the day time hours I've gotten to spend with Woody while being unemployed.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thankful for....

This blog needs resurrecting!

As an exercise in perspective and gratitude, I've been thinking about doing a post everyday listing three things I am thankful for at that moment.

Please feel free to join in, comment, or list what you are thankful for! It'd be great to get some interaction on here and see what's on our minds when we step back for a moment and think about what is contributing to the positive aspects or direction of our lives from day to day.

Right now I am thankful for the ability to create new music, high-speed internet, and my friend Annie.

See you tomorrow!