Friday, February 26, 2010

Missed the whole week!

I owe 9 things I am thankful for to the universe aka this blog:

1- being online during the day - it's nice to be back in touch w/ friends I was out of touch with while working at Equinox.
2- self esteem- lately I have felt more in-tune w/ my self worth and talents. it really is true that others see the value that you see in yourself.
3- snow days. I don't have one, but I should. I remember them, and they were great.
4- having a job that pays me.
5- the weekend
6- Annie. What would I do with out her? I don't want to know.
7- moisturizing cream. that's right. winter dries out my skin!
8- feeling strong after and during a work out.
9- audio books for making my commute and gym time more pleasant and easier to ignore.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fibbing About Fiber | One Small Change | Core Daily | Core Performance

Fibbing About Fiber | One Small Change | Core Daily | Core Performance

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Train to Run Farther, Faster | Workouts | Core Knowledge | Core Performance

Train to Run Farther, Faster | Workouts | Core Knowledge | Core Performance

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Ok, today

Here are some things I am grateful for:

1) Woman supporting other women. So often females feel in competition with or threatened by each other, for whatever reason. It is so powerful when jealousy, competition, or fear are not present in relationships between women and they are able to support, assist, and love one another in such an inspiring way. I seek out the amazing, confident women who are above being catty and competing enough to see the beauty and potential in other woman and I strive to be one of them more consistently, less affected by negative influence.

2) Intuition. When we trust ourselves, it is a powerful thing. The choices I make when I am being true to my senses and inner wisdom, are the most right choices I have made.

3) Perspective. The ability to step back, out of the depths and every day of the current situation, to examine my life for what it is and where it is going, is a very important tool in designing and living the life I would like to live.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday - Thankful

1) Opportunities to play music for people. While they can cause anxiety, it is the good kind. The kind that makes you work hard, do what you love, move forward, create, and enjoy what you are passionate about.

2) I was about to list my brothers, Woody, my parents, my aunt and uncle, etc etc, then I realized I'm lucky to be loved and to have people around me that I care so much for.

3) Focus. Something I don't have today, but I'm putting it into the the universe hoping for the ability to focus on the tasks at hand, today.

4) Opportunity. Every day is an opportunity to be what you want to be and do what you want to do, or at least take a step in the direction of those things.

5) The warm and cozy indoors.

6) Caffe Vivaldi. Such a great winter venue for music and friends. Looking forward to tonight.

Article on what to eat before, during, and after a run

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

4 Reasons Olympians Run |

4 Reasons Olympians Run |

Another Olympic inspired article post!

It's Wednesday.

Ok. So, it's not snowing, which I am happy about. Here are some more things I'm happy about:

1) Audio books. Although I just downloaded Twilight and kind of feel like I'm listening to a teen romance novel. I hope it gets better or it may lose me.

2) My family. I believe in their ability to be there for one another, when it counts.

3) Dried Mango. I love it, even though it gives me a stomach ache when I eat too much of it. Everything in moderation, even dried mango.

Day one of no candy. I'm already having chocolate cravings. I've decided I'm allowed to eat chocolate frozen yogurt and drink hot chocolate. That's ok, right?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Moguls Made Easy | Play Better | Core Daily | Core Performance

Posting inspired by watching the winter Olympics this weekend!

Moguls Made Easy | Play Better | Core Daily | Core Performance

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A Monday-ishTuesday

Can't seem to wake up today, and can't help thinking I'd be in a better state all day if I worked out in the morning.

BUT, here goes. I'm grateful for:

1) My best friends. When I miss them, I realize how lucky I am that they even exist and know they are out there in the world being their amazing selves and doing incredible, unique things.

2) Music.

3) Employment. Ah, the relief of having a regular paycheck.

Now, coffee, to work with you!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday and Lent

1 - Spring-like Winter days
2- A healthy foot (feels good to get over and injury and run, pain-free!)
3- Time - so nice to have free time today. I was able to return to my Vermont vacation and ease into being back in the city and in the mindset of what needs to be done.

Some friends and I were discussing recently what foods would be the hardest for us to give up for an extended period of time, and I said chocolate, because of the joy it brings me, would be very hard to live without. This conversation provoked a lot of thought about dependency and why we have such strong urges towards things like chocolate and sugar (or at least I do). So, although I have almost completely abandoned my Catholic upbringing, I've decided that Lent would be a excellent time for me make some changes and do an experiment. So, starting Feb. 17th, I will give up candy (including chocolate candy) and will exercise in some way, every day through Sat. April 3rd(the end of lent). Seems doable, but I think remembering/not being completely absent minded about it will be my biggest challenge. That and setting time aside for physical activity every day. Oh, that and not eating chocolate. Let's see how this goes!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Ok, so today is an easy one:

1) VACATION! I can not wait to get off work at 5pm, run some errands, and then be on vacation till Monday. I can't wait to get away and forget about everything for a weekend, except enjoying myself, the people around me, and skiing!

2) My new gym membership. It's nice to be back in a gym. I'm looking forward to making it a regular part of my new schedule.

3) Last night when the snow had just fallen and the city was quiet and still. Some of my best NY memories involve night-time, new snow. There's a magic to it. I love that so much, even it is crappy getting to work the next day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


1) My brothers are great. I am so extremely lucky to have two siblings who are also friends. Sometimes I am truly amazed at how they became such different, intelligent, funny, interesting, thoughtful, caring, sensitive, unique individuals. I am glad we are family, so they are stuck with me for life.

2) Vacation! I'm going on vacation with Woody this weekend! I can't wait! He works weekends, so this time together, away from the city, is extra special and rare.

3) Options. I get very confused about my future, what it is I want from day to day, and what it is I would like to do, but I am very grateful to have options. A situation and society which allows for the opportunity to choose what one wants to do is unfortunately not something everyone has.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday, Tuesday

It's hard to feel thankful on a super-groggy, sore throat, back at work Monday, but I should have written!

So, here's six things I am feeling grateful for on this Tuesday morning, to make up for it:

1) Starbucks. I just can't get enough of the soy misto and hope that doesn't make me a bad person. Today, instead of taking the 6 train one stop and walking half a mile to work, I got off the train at 59th and walked a full mile to work. That 6 train just kills me in the morning. I can never get on the first train that comes, and it is just an all around frustrating experience. Walking that extra half mile, I avoid the 6 train, get some exercise, and can pick up a soy misto, which I love.

2) Walking on the sunny side of the street and convincing myself it is at least 5 degrees warmer.

3) My upcoming Vermont vacation 4-day weekend, which I have to start letting myself get excited about. I always feel a little anxious about leaving the city, who knows why, but I am really excited to ski, see my brothers, and have a far outside NYC vacation with Woody!

4) Valentine's Day. While I know there is always a lot of apprehension and pressure around this holiday, a long time ago I decided that for me this day is a celebration of all the different and wonderful kinds of love in my life, with a focus on friends and family. It's a great day to tell all the people who fill your life with warm feelings that they are special to you, and celebrate that.

5) My new job. I am lucky to have found it and to have the stability and piece of mind that comes with having steady income and a place to go every work-day.

6) Training knowledge. I have been putting exercise on the back-burner these last few weeks, working out randomly but not regularly. My new schedule plus a really push on the music side of my life has left little time for working out, but I am comforted knowing that I will make time coming up and that I have a wealth of knowledge to whip myself back into shape with.

There's six, and that's all for today!

Friday, February 5, 2010


There are not many people with a 9-5 job who aren't ecstatic every week when Friday roles around. I actually woke up thinking it was Thursday, for no reason, so when my mind started functioning properly about an hour into awake time and I realized it was in fact Friday and not Thursday, it was like being give a wonderful and unexpected gift.

1. Hooray for Fridays!
2. Hooray for all the opportunities to be musical, of late!
3. Hooray for today being payday!

It's a good day. So there.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What day is it?

One of those weeks that you almost wish were over before they began, BUT I know it's most important to be focused on gratitude when you are feeling not so great. So, here's making up for yesterday, also.

Grateful for:
1- The window that opens when all doors are shut. It always happens. Don't know if it's because we are looking, but I can always count on an opportunity to present itself just when it seems like no forward motion is possible.
2- The support of my parents. During the past couple years especially, it has been invaluable.
3- People who care about and want to contribute to the music I write. They are miracles in my life every time they appear.
4- The Phoenix album I've been listening to constantly, lately.
5- Hulu - and the mind-numbing, ridiculous, yet completely entertaining show, The Bachelor. Ha!
6- Holidays! - Thank you, Monday Feb 15th promising to lengthen a weekend in the very near future.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I am grateful for:

1. friends I can talk about everything with. No filter. There are no words for the value this has and no telling where or who I would be without it.

2. good physical health. I want to work out tonight and I can. My body is strong enough that I can push it past it's comfort zone and feel amazing afterwards, if not a little sore :)

3. a future filled with possibility. The unknown can be mostly terrifying, but in it there is so much amazing room for growth, becoming, realizing, learning, changing, deciding, and living.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hello, Monday

I can NOT wake up today, so

#1 COFFEE (and hot chocolate)
#2 My amazing boyfriend
#3 My brothers - looking forward to skiing with them next week!

My new job has turned my fitness schedule up-side-down. Balancing work, commute, music, exercise, friends, etc. is kind of a crazy challenge.

This week I'm going to re-figure how to fit everything in. It's amazing what a difference exercise makes in your life, which becomes obvious when you miss a week, and since I'm now sitting at a desk all day, it is that much more important.

More tomorrow. - L