Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday, Tuesday

It's hard to feel thankful on a super-groggy, sore throat, back at work Monday, but I should have written!

So, here's six things I am feeling grateful for on this Tuesday morning, to make up for it:

1) Starbucks. I just can't get enough of the soy misto and hope that doesn't make me a bad person. Today, instead of taking the 6 train one stop and walking half a mile to work, I got off the train at 59th and walked a full mile to work. That 6 train just kills me in the morning. I can never get on the first train that comes, and it is just an all around frustrating experience. Walking that extra half mile, I avoid the 6 train, get some exercise, and can pick up a soy misto, which I love.

2) Walking on the sunny side of the street and convincing myself it is at least 5 degrees warmer.

3) My upcoming Vermont vacation 4-day weekend, which I have to start letting myself get excited about. I always feel a little anxious about leaving the city, who knows why, but I am really excited to ski, see my brothers, and have a far outside NYC vacation with Woody!

4) Valentine's Day. While I know there is always a lot of apprehension and pressure around this holiday, a long time ago I decided that for me this day is a celebration of all the different and wonderful kinds of love in my life, with a focus on friends and family. It's a great day to tell all the people who fill your life with warm feelings that they are special to you, and celebrate that.

5) My new job. I am lucky to have found it and to have the stability and piece of mind that comes with having steady income and a place to go every work-day.

6) Training knowledge. I have been putting exercise on the back-burner these last few weeks, working out randomly but not regularly. My new schedule plus a really push on the music side of my life has left little time for working out, but I am comforted knowing that I will make time coming up and that I have a wealth of knowledge to whip myself back into shape with.

There's six, and that's all for today!

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